Just in case you were intrigued by my completely empty website, here are some general facts about the guy staying up till 2 AM on a worknight to write this page:
I'm 25 years old, female, and have very few defining characteristics. The perfectly generic object of people. I like to draw but am very slow at it, and I like to create OCs and rotate them in my brain constantly. Sometimes I even type things about them in public places!
The little dude you're seeing on every page of this site right now is one of my dearest OCs. His name is Finn, and he's a Fresno Nightcrawler who likes musicals and works for the Men In Black. He's friendly and easy to draw.
I want to use this site as sort of an all-purpose brain dump/possibly a portfolio of sorts, so expect to find a lot of pages scattered haphazardly about once I hit my stride. One of my favorite activities is starting on a whole bunch of stuff and then getting distracted with new stuff in an endless cycle. I'll try to hold back, but there are a lot of worms in my brain. We'll see how it goes.
I've actually recently restarted basically my entire web presence in the hopes that I'll get it right this time. Trying to focus on whatever I'm most interested in at any given moment, instead of mindlessly going along with Current Popular Thing, which means a whole lot of original work and a whole little of fandoms. It'll be slow going, but I hope I can really get into developing some kind of something I can be proud of. If you feel like coming along for any of the ride, I will be eternally grateful (:
Have some links to my social media: